Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Let's try this again...

So I'm going to try this blogging thing again...

It's January 1, 2013, and I am trying this blogging thing again. I'm hoping that it's actually going to stick. My blog is being revamped. I'll be writing more about my life and very little about hockey, especially since the 2012-2013 season is locked out(still hoping for some kind of NHL season). So here goes nothing...

I have 1 New Years resolution...get my fat ass into a shape other than round!

I weighed myself today and tipped the scale at 181 pounds. Yes, according to a bunch of BMI calculators I am in the moderately obese category. I'm 5'2" and have a medium sized frame. According to Livestrong, my ideal weight should be between 107 and 119 pounds...seems a little ridiculous to me! I don't think I've weighed that little since I was about 12...even when I was in semi-okay shape while diving in high school and college.

I turned 30 in April 2012 and am on a daily migraine medicine and a water pill(it's kinda like a pre-high blood pressure medicine) all from being overweight. AND my doctor wants to put me on a cholesterol medicine. I worked out a deal with my family doctor that I'd attempt to get myself into shape and lose weight  to hopefully bring my cholesterol down before my next yearly physical (in May). Otherwise, she is putting me on something for my cholesterol.

I'm hoping that if I keep everyone (technically the world) up-to-date with my progress, then it will mean more to me. It will make me get off my ass and do something everyday, whether it's walking the 2ish miles around the block or using the Total Gym that I bought a while ago. I did make one HUGE step today...

...I poured the rest of my Mountain Dew down the drain! I'm only going to allow myself 1 soda a week, instead of the 1 or 2 I was drinking a day. When I go out to eat...it's going to be water only. Keep me accountable people! I want to get healthy and back to a normal weight, even if it's not the 107 to 119 pound ideal weight. 

Feedback is always appreciated and support will be needed...so make it happen!