Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello World!

Welcome 2011!

My name is Leigh and I am new to the world of blogging. In this blog you will read a lot about ice hockey, especially the Tampa Bay Lightning, and a little about the shenanigans that go on in my life. I'm going to try and blog a little each day...even if it's just part of the 365 day photo project, where I'll take a picture every day, write a blurb, and then post it. So to start the 365 day photo project these are the first two days of 2011...

My friend's parents house...we stayed there for the evening of January 1st!

Taken at a rest stop on the way home from Christmas break vacation.

So enough about the we go about the last few days.

Atlanta- I went with my friends to Atlanta, Georgia for the New Year's holiday and it was an adventure! Now most of you know that I need alone time, but did I get any...NOPE! The girls, as much as I love them, were non-stop talking and needing everyone to be involved. I am ALL for a good time, but when one of the girls wakes me up at 7:30am, just because she's awake...that's a little much! I kinda felt like I was at my parents house, since my Dad used to do the same thing, BUT he has gotten better with age...LOVE YOU DAD! After my friend got the "what the **ck are you doing" didn't happen again. We did a lot in Atlanta...Coke Factory, ate at the Varsity, Underground (interesting place), and went ice skating in Centennial Olympic Park. Ice skating was interesting...the ice was HORRIBLE, but it was a good time. I only fell twice, but STILL hurt! We also went to Stone Mountain, which is basically a mountain that has been made into a state or national park. There's a bunch of stuff to do there and we did a lot, but the best part was free tickets! Some dude was standing in line behind us and offered us the tickets he got for camping in the park, since we didn't get to do Snow Mountain. Anyway, I'd like to thank the Peacock family for allowing us to stay at their home and having free reign of it! They are an interesting family and I was honestly shocked that there weren't more "peacock" things around their home, but apparently they are fans of moose....interesting I know. Christy...I know you are going to read this, so please tell everyone thank you from all of us! 

New Year's Resolutions-  Does anyone really ever do these? I've "made" resolutions before, but never followed through...this year is going to be different!

Here are my resolutions:
  • The 365 day photo project...yes, this was stolen from my friend Sabrina (who has a blog, but is afraid that I'll publish this on a social network and people will find her, so I'll refrain from linking her). I'm going to take a picture every day and post it with a little blurb.
  • Get my fat ass in shape and lose 20 pounds (if not more)!  According to my neurologist, if I lose 20 or 30 pounds, I should be able to go off my blood pressure medicine and should stop having so many migraines. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to go to the gym with some friends of mine to try and get back into shape or as close as I can get. This probably means I should stop drinking so much soda and drink more water, but baby steps people! There are daily group classes and the gym also has a pool, so I'm going to get back into swimming too. This is just for me and no one else, but after seeing myself in the pictures from Atlanta, it's time!
  • Buy a house...which I will be doing in the near future, but still need to save money!
  • Save will help with the house buying resolution, but also allow me to do more things.
  • Go to watch more live hockey games...yes, it's expensive, but totally worth it. AND who knows, I might meet my future husband there...a girl can hope...can't she?

Alright world, it's late...I have to go back to work tomorrow, try to be excited that I'm there, and act like I know what I'm doing. Have a good day at work or home!


  1. Although I am not sure how I feel about all the Billie's in the background, I am glad you are here. Yay! I hope you love this as much as I do!!


  2. Welcome to the blog world! I'm definitely with you on getting a house & getting in shape :)
